
Home/Tag: Covid-19

Stroke, when minutes matter


The Irish Heart Foundation’s new F.A.S.T. campaign raises awareness of the signs of stroke and importance of getting urgent medical attention Almost half of Irish people would not call an ambulance immediately if they suffered a stroke, a worrying new survey has revealed. The survey of more than 1,000 Irish people commissioned by the Irish Heart Foundation and the Government of Ireland, shows that just 55 per cent of those surveyed would dial 999 or 112 immediately if they suffered a stroke despite the fact that stroke is a medical emergency. The Ipsos MRBI survey of [...]

Stroke, when minutes matter2020-11-24T20:35:29+00:00

Covid-19 Return to Work


Return to Work Safely Induction: This course has been developed to help you to understand the Return to Work Safely (RTWS) Protocol requirements for returning to work safely. One of these requirements is that workers must complete induction training. Your employer will provide additional information, advice and training on COVID-19 measures in your workplace, including an outline of their COVID-19 Response Plan, and points of contact for addressing COVID-related matters during work. This course has been designed to help you to understand the Protocol requirements for returning to work.  It is a requirement of the Protocol that workers must complete [...]

Covid-19 Return to Work2020-11-16T16:44:19+00:00
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