Generous northsiders dig deep to fund new life-saving defibrillator following appeal

Cork BEO writes:
The latest ones comes after an appeal by Impact’ Our Community Matters who thanked everyone who helped and said they’ll also be holding CPR courses over the next few weeks. A new defibrillator has been been installed on the northside thanks to the work of fundraising locals. The life-saving gadget has been put into the Holymount Estate after it was funded by northsiders who put their hands in their pockets to get it in.
It’s the second one to go into the Knocka/Holyhill area after one on Harbour View Road was donated by Regina Shortt. The latest ones comes after an appeal by Impact’Our Community Matters who thanked everyone who helped them acquire it and said they’ll also be holding CPR courses over the next few weeks.
They said: “We would like to thank everyone who Donated to our appeal on getting the Communityies Defibrillator back in to Commission.
“With the Generosity from ye all we were lucky to put a Second Defibrillator in place in the area of Knocknaheeny/Hollyhill. This is a fantastic addition to the community, we would like to thank Rapid Response CPR Training, Ireland for helping us and acquiring the new unit and getting the first one back in to commission again. This all down to your help.
Again the generosity of the residents is second to none, we will also be holding CPR Courses in the next couple of weeks, these courses will be free so keep an eye on their page for updates. This year has been one where the importance of these devices has been seen both locally and internationally.
The original one which was Donated by Regina Shortt and is Positioned in 47 Harbour View road and active which serves the Greater Knocknaheeny area, and the second unit will be positioned In Hollymount Estate which will serve Hollyhill, Ardcullen and Shanakill Milestream areas.

Don O’Sullivan of Impact Our Community Matters writes:
We would like to thank everyone who Donated to our appeal on getting the Communities Defibrillator back in to Commission. With the Generosity from ye all we were lucky to put a Second Defibrillator in place in the area of Knocknaheeny/Hollyhill.
The original one which was Donated by @Regina Shortt and is Positioned in 47 Harbour View road and active which serves the Greater Knocknaheeny area,and the Second unit will be Positioned In Hollymount Estate which will serve Hollyhill Ardcullen and Shanakill Milestream areas.
This is a fantastic addition to the community,we would like to thank Eric Donovan of Rapid Response CPR Training for helping us and acquiring the new unit and getting the first one back in to Commission again this all down to your help, again the Generosity of the Residents is second to none.
We will also be holding CPR Courses in the next couple of weeks, these courses will be free so keep an eye on the Page for Date.

Eric Donvan of Rapid Response CPR Training writes:

” We were delighted to be of assistance to Impact’ Our Community Matters in helping them choose the correct defibrillators and cabinets for their community. They do amazing work in the Knocknaheeny and Hollyhill areas. Thank you also to EireMed for their support for swiftly supplying the defibrillator and two heated outdoor cabinets.

Huge credit to the communities who donated generously and got behind their drive to have not just one, but two defibrillators erected and available to the public in the event of a cardiac arrest. Also to the Skillington family on Harbour View Road who offered the use of their property to erect one of the heated cabinets and defibrillator units.
We’re looking forward to working with Impact Our Community Matters in organising and delivering certified Irish Heart Foundation #CPR & #Defibrillator classes to both communities in the early new year (2022)…. Well done everyone!!
Picture includes: Valerie Haynes of Impact Our Community Matters with defibrillator host Mr Robert Skillington and Eric Donovan of Rapid Response CPR Training.

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